Editor in chief: ,
Submission related queries:

Publishing Ethics:
Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the understanding that they have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. It is assumed that all named authors agree with the contents and form of the manuscript and are responsible for the validity and originality of data contained therein. Submitted manuscripts are subjected to check for Similarity Index with the published papers in different journals and various internet sources.

IJEMLS has ZERO tolerance for plagiarism. We have some best commercial tools to check plagiarism of submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts containing plagiarism will be straightaway rejected.

Preparation of Manuscript
Title: Should be in Title Case; The first character in each word in the title have to be capitalized. A research paper generally should include in the following order

  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements (If any)
  • References
  • Figure legends
  • Tables
  • Appendixes (if necessary)
  • Abbreviations (if necessary)

Abstract – Limit of 300 Words
A brief summary of the research. The abstract should include a brief introduction, a description of the hypothesis tested, the approach used to test the hypothesis, the results seen and the conclusions of the work.

Please, write 4-8 keywords. Write specific keywords. They should be written left aligned, arranged alphabetically in 10pt Times Roman, and the line must begin with the words Keywords boldfaced.

Description of the research area, pertinent background information, and the hypotheses tested in the study should be included under this section. The introduction should provide sufficient background information such that a scientifically literate reader can understand the work to be described in the manuscript. The introduction MUST include in-text citations including references to pertinent reviews and scientific literature. The specific aims of the manuscript should be identified along with a rationale for the specific experiments.

Materials and Methods
Materials and/or subjects utilized in the study as well as the procedures undertaken to complete the work. The methods should be described in sufficient detail such that they could be repeated by a competent researcher. Please include the company sources for all uncommon reagents (kits, drugs, management firms etc). Illustrations and/or tables may be helpful in describing complex results or elaborate procedures.

Data acquired from the research with appropriate statistical analysis described in the methods section should be included in this section. The results section should describe the rational for each experiment, the results obtained and its significance. Results should be organized into figures and tables with descriptive captions.

This section should relate the results section to current understanding of the problems being investigated in the field. Description of relevant references to other work(s) in the field should be included here. This section also allows you to discuss the significance of your results.

Tables and Figures
Tables should be arranged according to their sequence in the text, and have a short self-explanatory heading. Tables should include vertical rules, but horizontal rules should separate column headings from the content. Authors should keep in mind the page layout of the journal when designing tables. Tables that fit onto one printed page are preferred.
Table 1: Sample Table format

Column Heading   Column Heading   Column Heading   Column Heading

Figures can be in JPEG, TIFF, BITMAP, PNG etc. Figure no. must be included in the text. Authors must include description about figure at the bottom of each figure.

References should be sited in the text e.g. [1] for reference 1 in the text. References should be uniform and continuous.

For Research papers:
Nakamero S, Riyashi N, Nakanisk W et al. Applications to determine the structures in solutions. J Res Man Sol. 2008:5;73(23):9259-69

For accepted papers:
Markel R. Title of paper with only first word capital. Journal Name Stand. Abbrev. in press.

For websites:
Original Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database [database on the Internet]. UCI machine learning repository. 1992. Available from: https://archive.ics.uci.edu. Accessed on: 3-3-2015.

For Book chapters:
Martine JC. (2010). Approaches for predicting of kinetic properties. In: Guzyn T, Kesynski R, Robin T, Cronin MT (eds) Recent Advances in machanical Studies, vol 8. Roman Science, London, pp 1283-1304

For Books:
Martine JC. (2010). Approaches for predicting of kinetic properties. , vol 8. Roman Science, London, pp 1283-1304.

For conference papers:
Rikky RS. (2010). Management skills of business managers. International conference of skill management, March 12-15, London, US. Article processing charge:

IJEMLS is a self-financed Journal and does not receive funding from any Institution or Government organizations. This Journal is completely financed by article processing charge submitted by authors. Article processing charge is required to run this Journal, service office, employees, copy editing, typing, indexing, maintaining and updating the website etc. Article processing charge is the final and essential step of publication.
There is no charges for submission of the manuscript.
The article processing charge after acceptance of manuscript is Rs 1000 (up to 25 template pages). Article processing charge for foreign authors is 50 USD/45 EUR. The article processing charges may be discounted by the Editor-in-Cheif upon an advance request.

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